For those who want to donate money into Debbies account, please use the PayPal button that is located on the right just below this note. Click on the Yellow Give Button, then follow through the PayPal instructions. Thanks so much for all the love and support.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Since Donna is in Illinois with Debbie she asked me to update you all on her sister. The last few days have not gone very good. She has needed several units of platelets and blood. She has no energy and sleeps most of the time. They are planning on doing a bone marrow biopsy probably this Friday and that she will probably need to stay for another week minimum. Donna will be flying home Tuesday. Ed’s sister Bev will come out on Tuesday to be with Debbie in Illinois.

It still really lifts Debbie when she gets a card from somebody. Please continue to include her in your prayers. Again I will attach her address so you can send her a card or letter.

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